Master Class

Class: Master Class Piano
Tutor: Bernhard Parz
Dates: 21.08. - 30.08.2024
Start time: 10:00
Registration fee: €195
Course fee: €598

Bernhard Parz

The Austrian Pianist studied Piano at the University of Music Vienna. In his career he earned several prizes (i.e. 1st prize at “International J. Brahms Competition”) and played concerts throughout Asia, South America and Europe. Since 2009 he is holding a chair for Piano at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna. He has been appointed the youngest University Professor for Piano since existing of the University. Bernhard Parz is „Bösendorfer-Artist“ and spreading the Viennese culture of sound in the world. In his perfection of sound, the touching by speaking with every single note is unique and honoured by his audience and critics. Now teaching at masterclasses for more than 8 years there have always been international prizewinners among his students.

Languages: German, English

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