Master Class

Class: Online Lesson Piano
Tutor: Alexander Rössler
Dates: 01.11. - 31.01.2025
Start time: 12:00
Registration fee: €0
Course fee: €200

Alexander Rössler

Grandson of the german-baltic composer Richard Rössler (1880-1962). Professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. Studies with J. Uhde, K. H. Diehl and R. Keller in Stuttgart, Munich and Lübeck. Scholarship with M. Tipo In Florence. Mastercourses with S. Neuhaus in Vienna and Perugia. In 1981 graduation with distinction. Prizewinner at the “Maria Canals” Competition in Barcelona. Awarded with the Szymanowski Memorial Medal of Poland. Since 1973 concerts as soloist and chambermusic partner of famous soloists in many music centres of Europe and beyond. Since 1990 regularly masterclasses in Europe, Korea and Japan. Judge at piano competitions. Numerous radio recordings, CDs with works of Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Janáček and R. Rössler. His repertory comprises – apart from the entire pianowork by Brahms and Janáček as well as the complete piano chamber music by Beethoven and Brahms - especially works of the Viennese Classic, by Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann as well as Skrjabin, Szymanowski and Prokofiew. A specialty is the temporary enrichment of his programmes with Jazz-, Blues- and free improvisations.

Main focus: the aim of working with a composition is always to find out  w h a t  the music (the composer) demands from me as an interpreter and  h o w  I can realize it. There are three essential circles of themes as a result:
  • The exploration and depiction of the musical inner life of an opus according to analytical studies (example:  W h y  should I play piano or forte, slow or fast etc.?).
  • Try-out of (physical) playing movements which are in accordance with the musical expression.
  • Efficient methodology of practising as well as working on special technical exercises.

Languages: German, English

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